How To Uninstall W3 Total Cache WordPress Plugin

uninstall w3 total cache plugin

Though, at times, due to hosting compatibility issues or non-compatibility with other plugins, W3 Total Cache can act weird. In these instances, it’s important to uninstall W3 total cache to make sure it’s not creating issues.

It’s also important to uninstall it correctly, or you will have even more issues in the future.

Earlier I have shared how to install the W3 Total Cache plugin which I believe is a better cache plugin than Super Cache.

Though sometimes, W3 Total Cache interacts strangely with another current plugin, and you might get weird issues like 404 errors or your entire blog might be redirected to Install.php

Here’s a quick tutorial on how you can remove the W3 Total Cache plugin manually.

  • First, delete all cache and deactivate the W3 Total Cache plugin.

  • Delete the W3 Total Cache plugin from the Wp-content/plugins folder.

  • Remove this line from Wp-config file – (define(‘WP_CACHE’, true) )

  • Delete advanced-cache.php, db.php, wp-total-cache-config.php, and delete the entire w3tc folder from the Wp-content folder.

  • Check the .htaccess file; if you see any code added by W3 Total Cache, remove it.