4 SEO Codes To Optimize Your Blogger Blog

SEO-For-Blogger-BlogsBlogger is one of the most used blogging platforms, but surely has many drawbacks and its sometimes considered to be the worst in concern of On-Page SEO. Well, when people say that Blogger is weak in SEO, how did those professional blogs hosted on Blogger get to the top? (I’m talking about blogs like blogtipsntricks, AllTechBuzz,etc.) Its because they know to optimize blogger and also because they use variety of techniques which is not known to you all. You can’t transform your blog totally into a SEO Masterpiece but still here are few codes which will help you in optimizing your blogger blog to get better search results.

The Codes Which We Are Going To Use-

  1. All In One(AIO) Meta Tags
  2. Automatic ALT Tag For Images
  3. Automatically Make All Links No-Follow Script
  4. Optimize Your Post Titles
Lets Get started!

1.All In One (AIO) Meta Tags-

These tags are used by Search engines to know more about your blog ,in other ways these are the codes which describe your blog’s content and help search engines to index your blog, there are 3 tags in this code,they are-
  1. Meta Description- The description of your blog.
  2. Meta Keywords- All keywords related to your blog.
  3. Meta Author- Your Name or the author’s name.

Here’s the procedure to add Meta tags to your blogger blog-

  1. Go To Your Dashboard> Template> Edit HTML.
  2. Hit CTRL+F on your keyboard to use the Find feature.
  3. Find the <head> tag using the above given feature.
  4. Paste the following code after the <head> tag. 
[sourcecode language=”plain”]
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Description Of Your Blog" />
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="Keywords Of Your Blog" />
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Write Your Name" />
Replace the words in quotes according to your website information and save the template.

2.Automatic ALT Tag For Images-

ALT tags is like SEO for images or similar to adding search description to your content in blogger,ALT tags are the once which help the search engines to determine your image’s category or topic.Filling up your ALT tag of your image can drive lots of traffic to your blog,but sadly most of the times people forget to do it or some never do because they will have to add a code to every image. Here is a script which automatically adds ALT tags to all the images you upload.

Procedure to add the automatic ALT tag For Images-

  1. Get into your templates coding through the edit HTML option.
  2. find the tag using CTRL+F feature.
  3. Paste the following code above the </body> tag.
  4. Note- Remove the highlighted code if it already exists in your blog.
[sourcecode language=”plain”]
//SEO SCRIPT POWERED BY www.legeeks.org
<script type=’text/javascript’>
//<!–[<span class="hiddenSpellError" pre="" data-mce-bogus="1"–>CDATA[
$(document).ready(function() {
var $img = $(this);
var filename = $img.attr(‘src’)
$img.attr(‘title’, filename.substring((filename.lastIndexOf(‘/’))+1, filename.lastIndexOf(‘.’)));
$img.attr(‘alt’, filename.substring((filename.lastIndexOf(‘/’))+1, filename.lastIndexOf(‘.’)));
Once you add it,you can check whether it working just by hovering over the images in any of your blog post.You’ll see that the image’s name appears when you mouse over it.

Advantages Of Auto ALT Tag Code-

  1. It actually tags your images according to your name.
  2. It adds ALT tag with Image Title.
  3. It adds “+” symbol if any spaces are found in the image name which will help search engines to recognize it easily.

Drawbacks Of Auto ALT Tag Code-

  1. It tags everything in your blog including your blog’s logo which will show the names like- Le20%Geeks which looks awkward whenever you mouse over it.
  2. Social icons and comment icons will show names like- “FB-Like,Tweet-Twitter, Comment20%Style” All these will look ugly when someone hover over these.
As you can see, it  has lots of advantages with few disadvantages, using it would be wise as it makes a huge difference in search engines.

3.Automatically Make All Links No-Follow Script-

Nofollow-External-linksTicking all No-Follow attributes in each and every link in your blog post would be tiring, specially if your posting some kind of “Top 10 list”.Actually No-Follow must be used when you are linking to low authority download sites or mirror sites. Here’s a script which can be added to make all of your links No-Follow automatically.

Procedure of Adding the No-Follow Script-

  1. Get into your template through Edit HTML
  2. Find tag and paste the following code above it-
[sourcecode language=”plain”]<!–Remove this if you are already using any jQuery.js file–>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
jQuery(‘a[href*="http://"]:not([href*="http://www.legeeks.org"])’).attr(‘rel’, ‘nofollow’);
jQuery(‘a[href*="https://"]:not([href*="https://www.legeeks.org"])’).attr("target", "_blank");
Now replace” http://legeeks.org” with your blog’s URL. Once you have completed it,save your template and you’ll find that this plugin will add No-Follow tags to all of your external links other than your own blog(Internal Links).

Optimize You Post Titles-

As we all know post titles are one of the most important thing,but Blogger seems to have an unnatural structure of post titles when compared with other platforms such as WordPress,here’s a small code which will optimize your post titles and will get your better search engine ranking with organic traffic.

Procedure to Add The Post Titles Optimization Code-

  1. Go To your template settings and click on Edit HTML.
  2. Use CTRL F and find the following code-
[sourcecode language=”plain”]<title><data:blog.pagetitle/></title>[/sourcecode]
3.Replace it with the following code-
[sourcecode language=”plain”]<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;’>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>