GISKismet - Kali Linux

GISKismet - Kali Linux - solution rider

GISKismet is a wireless visualization tool to represent data gathered using Kismet in a practical way. GISKismet stores the information in a database so we can query data and generate graphs using SQL. GISKismet currently uses SQLite for the database and GoogleEarth / KML files for graphing.
Let’s learn how to use this tool.
Step 1 − To open GISKismet, go to: Applications → Click “Wireless Attacks” → giskismet.
GISKismet - Kali Linux - solution rider

As you remember in the previous section, we used Kismet tool to explore data about wireless networks and all this data Kismet packs in netXML files.
Step 2 − To import this file into Giskismet, type “root@kali:~# giskismet -x Kismetfilename.netxml” and it will start importing the files.
GISKismet - Kali Linux - solution rider

Once imported, we can import them to Google Earth the Hotspots that we found before.
Step 3 − Assuming that we have already installed Google Earth, we click File → Open File that Giskismet created → Click “Open”.
GISKismet - Kali Linux - solution rider

The following map will be displayed.
GISKismet - Kali Linux - solution rider